The most effective and efficient online ads management system!

 Get Results in 24 Hours!


Basic info


Grant Amazon Third Party App Permission


Amazon Ads API/Data Permissions



Let's get your account set up!
Account set up should take less than 5 minutes.
14 Day Free Trial, guaranteed to increase your sales and profits*

See immediate results, usually within the first 24 hours. Relax, let the machines do all the tedious work. You provide the business goals and strategy. Be prepared to be Amazed!

By signing up for your risk free trial, you agree to abide by Decathlon’s Terms of Use, found here. Only continue if you are absolutely satisfied!

Basic info
Your Name
Email address
Amazon Account name
Contact number
Business URL

Did you get a confirmation email? Resume here.

* Total Sales Increase with Lower TACOS
Grant Amazon Third Party App Permissions(MWS)

1. Login to your Amazon Seller Central Account, using your primary user account.

2. Click to the Amazon Selling Partner App link / Decathlon URL: here

3. Click the "Authorize Now" button on the right

4. Click the "Sign up to Decathlon for Sponsored Ads" button on the bottom right. Please make sure you check the "I direct Amazon to provide Decathlon..." flag above the Sign up button

5. Click the "Confirm" button again in the next screen. You should see this "Welcome to Decathlon!" screen. Now you can click next to continue the next step.

Grant Decathlon limited data permissions for your Amazon API data

1. Login into Seller Central from Amazon. Go to Settings located in top right of screen, then click ‘User Permissions’.

2. Enter the following information to Add a New Seller Central User

Name: Decathlon

Email Address:

3. Click ‘Send Invitation’.

Your Decathlon setup is processing!

Decathlon will accept the invite and send you an email to confirm. Wait until you get our acceptance email then continue the permissions process here

Update Manage Permissions (Resume)

1. Go to User Permissions, then click ‘Manage Permissions’ next to Decathlon listed under Current Users.

2. Under Advertisting section, select ‘View & Edit’ for Campaign Manager.

3. Scroll down to ‘Reports’ section. Select ‘View & Edit’ under Business Reports, Sales Summary.